No More Bandaids For Our Students: How To Use Data To Help Your Elementary Math Students Make Connections

data-driven instruction Apr 18, 2023

No more tricks for our elementary math students! Let's teach for true conceptual understanding and address underlying misconceptions in an intentional way!

How often do you work with students who have significant gaps? It happens every year, but there are more students in the aftermath of COVID.

Teaching is a hard job! Catching kids up is not easy to do especially when kids they have these gaps, and you still have to teach your grade level content.

BUT can you really afford NOT to address underlying misconceptions? Let's stop putting bandaids on the issues and tackle them head-on, BUT in a purposeful way!

How can you do it with the limited amount of time you have with students? 

Connections, connections, connections! When you teach students concepts in a way that helps them make connections and apply their learning, you can address underlying misconceptions and teach on-level content!

This is why I'm so excited about this video where I talk about how to use data to make connections and address misconceptions in a more purposeful way. Your students will make growth and gain knowledge that will last them a lifetime!

If you're ready to learn intentional strategies to help you work SMART to bridge learning gaps, take a listen to "No More Bandaids For Our Math Students".

Since this post is all about using the data and teaching students in a way that helps them make connections, I'm also giving you steps that will make your time more intentional and productive. Download Make Data Doable: 4 Steps to Make a Targeted Plan that Drives Student Growth

Use this document as a starting place to help you make sense of your data and increase student growth by focusing on content in an intentional way. Used in conjunction with the tips in the video, you are well on your way to increased student growth!

Don't forget to get your download of Make Data Doable: 4 Steps to Make a Targeted Plan that Drives Student Growth in a meaningful way! Click the green button above. 


Minute Markers & Highlights of the video that you don’t want to miss:

[5:40] Review of historical data to determine why we need a change

[8:52] How to strategically respond to data by identifying and addressing underlying misconceptions

[10:38] Using data to determine underlying misconceptions using division problems as examples.

[20:44] After misconceptions have been identified, align to address the need using purposeful instruction

[33:02] Having time to address the need with everything you have to do during class 

When underlying misconceptions are identified and addressed appropriately, student growth is greatly increased. Put a plan in place and make your data WORK for you! 

If you haven't already, be sure to download Make Data Doable: 4 Steps to Make a Targeted Plan That Drives Student Growth. Make your strategic plan today! Let us know how it goes!



Recommended Products and Services

MathWhys Digital Library- Gain access to materials used by Your MathWhys Coach to support upper elementary math educators. These materials are designed bridge learning gaps in a meaningful way. Get content knowledge videos, stations, and MORE!

Personalized CoachingImagine facilitating the classroom of your dreams everyday! Get personalized attentionmake connections that bridge learning gaps and increase student growth without working 24/7.


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